Legal Warning

We inform you that the owner of this website is Persycom Madrid S.L., whose identification data are the following:

C/ Forja, 1 - Polígono Industrial "La Cantueña".
28946 Fuenlabrada (Madrid).
CIF: B82447178
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General conditions of use of the website

Persycom Madrid  makes this website available to Internet users for free.

Access to this website implies acceptance of these Conditions, which may be modified or replaced by Persycom Madrid S.L. through the publication of such modifications on the website. In any case, the new Conditions will be previously known by users before re-entering their website.

The user undertakes to use the website and its services and contents without violating current legislation, good faith and public order.

The visualization, printing and partial download of the content of the website is authorized, only and exclusively if the following conditions are met:

Limitation of liability

Persycom Madrid  S.L. does not guarantee the absence of interruptions or errors in access to the website or its content, nor that it is updated. Persycom Madrid S.L. will carry out, provided that there are no causes that make it impossible or difficult to execute, and as soon as it is aware of the errors, disconnections or lack of updating in the contents, all those tasks aimed at correcting the errors, restoring communication and updating the contents.

Both access to the website and the improper use that may be made of the information contained in it is the sole responsibility of the person who makes it.Persycom Madrid S.L. will not be liable for any consequence, damage or harm that may arise from such access or use.

Persycom Madrid S.L. is not responsible for security errors that may occur or for damage that may be caused to the user's computer system (hardware and software), or to the files or documents stored in it, as a result of:


Persycom Madrid S.L. is not responsible, in its case, for the content of other websites linked to or accessible from this website through links. The purpose of these links is to promote access to other sources of information on the Internet.

In the event that any user, customer or a third party, considers that the content or services provided by the linked pages are illegal or harm the property or rights of the user himself, of a client or of a third party susceptible to compensation, and, in particular, those that harm the principles listed below:

You may inform Persycom Madrid S.L., however, the receipt by it of said communication will not imply knowledge for the purposes of the responsibility provided for in article 17 of the LSSICE.

Intellectual property

The contents, documentation, images, graphics, logos and designs that make up this website (hereinafter corporate elements) are the property of Persycom Madrid S.L. and are duly protected in accordance with the Spanish and International Law on Intellectual Property, so its reproduction or use, in any of its forms, is expressly prohibited, without the prior and express authorization of Persycom Madrid S.L.

Access to this website does not grant users any right, or ownership over the intellectual property rights of the corporate elements apart from the uses allowed in the general conditions.


Persycom Madrid S.L. and the user, submit to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of Madrid for any controversy or conflict that may eventually arise from the interpretation of these Conditions as well as the access or use of this website.