PERSYCOM began its journey in 1992, in a small warehouse in the Madrid town of Fuenlabrada, with only three workers
The effort, dedicaGon and perseverance together with innovaGon and constant improvement, have led us to the posiGon of leader in the sector of the highest quality enclosures, with a workforce that exceeds 50 employees and operaGng both naGonally and internaGonally in countries such as Andorra, ArgenGna, Chile, France, Mexico, Portugal, Dominican Republic or Switzerland among others.
We are pioneers in the manufacture of both adjustable and rollable sun protecGon systems, always guaranteeing maximum savings and energy efficiency.
Our commitment to the future and to the environment is firm, all our products comply with the standards of the Passivhaus ConsorGum, an associaGon to which we are aTached and with which we share the philosophy of beUng on the development of almost zero-consumption homes.
We have one of the most modern and complete factories in Europe, more than 12000m2 equipped with the most avant-garde and innovaGve technology in terms of the development of our acGvity.
We are commiTed to differenGaGon not only through the quality of our products but also through the service and customer service we provide, both at the sales level and also at the aWer-sales level.
We are present both in the development of new works and in rehabilitaGons, works for companies, works in theme parks, state insGtuGons...
More than two decades of experience support us, more than two decades of learning that would not have been possible without our clients who, day by day, place their trust in our work
But if there is something we are proud of, above all, it is our human capital. His high degree of qualificaGon and delivery are the key to our success.
That is why we only have words of graGtude for all of you who make up the PERSYCOM family, those who make our growth a reality.